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At all levels of youth baseball, avoid the overuse syndrome by developing enough pitchers. Developing a good pitching staff takes an understanding of the basics, and a little planning for the team's future.

What It Takes To Be A Good Pitching Coach:
1. What type of pitchers you have. i.e., power, control etc.
2. Must treat all pitchers fairly.
3. Accept the fact that  all pitchers are different in physical and mental make       up.
4. Able to teach the basics of the position in a confident and encouraging way.
5. Plan, failing to plan is planning to fail.
6. Remember pitching is a difficult position and pick you pitchers carefully.
7. Always have patience.
8. Communication skills are vital  remember sometimes, the pitcher has to
     learn by his mistakes. Good pitching coaches find ways to get their points

What A Pitching Coach Must Know:
1. What kind of delivery the pitcher has.
2. What kind of poise.
3. What pitches can he throw?
4. Can the pitcher get out of a jam?
5. A pitcher cannot survive even if he has only a slightly "down" personality. A
    pitcher must be the kind of person that can wipe out a bad incident and go
    right on to the next batter.
6. Losing is as constructive as winning.
7. Part of learning is to fail. A pitching coach must build confidence.
8. "Bad Attitude" survive yourself, do not worry about the team.

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