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Confidence and the proper mechanics of hitting go hand in hand. Both the coach and the athlete must learn to work together. Giving and taking criticism must never be at the expense of the player's confidence. When both player and coach can approach the task of hitting with honesty, the challenge of improving the player and seeing the end ? results of cooperation can be very rewarding.

Given the player has normal ability, decent eye sight, reflexes and strength, he or she should be able to "learn to hit" with some authority. Both coach and athlete should work to develop a positive attitude. There are many negatives to overcome when trying to be the best hitter you can be. Developing confidence in certain hitting situations is the key. Always concentrate on the hitters strengths and work on the weaknesses one at a time. Even a low average hitter can learn to contribute to their team. They can learn to bunt to move runners around the bases, take pitches to allow runners to steal. They can improve by practising and working on their weaknesses see Section 505. Hitting slumps
can have a negative effect any player, simply by the odds involved. A hitter getting three hits for every 10 at bats is considered a good hitter.

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