506 STATION DRILLS TO IMPROVE HITTING:bluebasebar.gif (4146 bytes)

The Batting Tee Drill
Using tees with different height adjustments allows the batter to get in several swings in a short period.
1. Stance - Practice swings using different stances, open, closed and even.
2. Work on hitting the inside of the plate and outside of plate
Note: Always place the tee in the contact zone, just in front of home-plate.

Soft Toss Drill:
1. The hitter stands about ten to twelve feet from a net or fence and his partner
??? soft tosses from about a forty-five-degree angle at about a distance of
??? twelve feet.
2. The hitter uses his normal swing at all times.
3. The tosser tells the hitter at what area in the strike zones he is throwing to.
4. The hitter concentrates on one aspect of his swing at a time. Always trying
??? for the slight down arc swing.

Swing Drill:
This drill will help develop quick hands. Having quick hands helps the hitter to make contact with pitches that are on the inside portion of the plate.
1. The hitter places himself ten to twelve feet from a net and kneels on his knee
??? with his front leg bent at an angle, as he faces the tosser.
2. The tosser throws balls into the contact zone, softly, always telling the hitter
??? where is going to throw the ball.
3. The hitter concentrates on the hand movement during the swing.

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