707 EXERCISES WITH DUMBBELLSbluebasebar.gif (4146 bytes)

These exercises can be performed by the "Middle" and "Upper" levels with a common sense approach to safety and keeping in mind the needs of the growing body.

1. Proper technique for each exercises is very important.
2. Start with a weight you can handle, anywhere from 2 to 5 pounds,
    depending on physical maturity.
3. Increase the weight to a maximum of 10 pounds as you progress.
4. Ignore normal standards for numbers. Generally 3 sets of 10 repetitions is a
    normal process for each exercise. You should use your own body as a
    guideline. Always start out with smaller numbers of sets and repetitions and
    build up to larger numbers.
5. The way that you build muscle tissue is by pushing the muscle to a point of
    failure. The burning sensation is normal and you will feel this. You must find
    the right weight and repetitions for this purpose. Exercises that are too easy
    will not build the desired muscle strength.
6. To protect against loss of flexibility always do stretching exercises first.
    When finished with the dumbbell workout repeat the stretches.
7. Weight training of any kind should only be done a maximum of 3 to 4 times
    per week, allowing a full day in between workouts for rest. This will allow
    the muscles time to restore the normal building process of the body, even
    for the physically mature athlete.
8. Always secure clearance from a doctor before starting any physical
    workout program.
9. If you stop working out for any more than 2 weeks, begin again from the
10. During the playing season your purpose is to maintain strength, not to build
      muscle tissue. Maintain the same program but lower the weight level and

Shoulder Abductions
Start with arms at sides, holding weights with thumbs pointing out. Raise slowly to shoulder height and then lower slowly.

Front Deltoid Raise
Sit in a chair, arms at sides holding the weights with thumbs down. Raise your arms directly in front of you to shoulder height and then lower slowly.

Overhead Extension
Start with weights at shoulder height. Alternate raising one arm above the head and then the other arm.

Abdominal Extension
Standing straight, hold the weights in front of the groin area. Thumbs pointing out, raise both arms together slowly above your head. Keep your hands in front of your head the whole time. Extend your arms fully, rotating your palms down and out. Lower slowly.

External Shoulder Rotation
Lie on the ground on one side. Put the elbow of your upper arm on your side. Keep your elbow there throughout the exercise. With a weight, raise your arm slowly as high as you can and then lower it to the ground. Do this slowly and then repeat for the other arm.

Internal Shoulder Rotation
Lie on the floor on your back. Keep your elbow firmly on your side. Raise the arm straight up slowly, holding your elbow with the other hand. Return to starting position slowly. Repeat for other arm.

Shoulder Extension
Bend over with weight touching the floor in front of you. Lift one weight to shoulder height while leaving the other on the floor. Lower the weight slowly to the ground. Alternate hands.

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