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When people talk about dissecting hitting and finding out what separates a good hitter from an average hitter the bottom line usually comes down to bat speed. Each batter has his or her own style and ideas on how they can best hit the ball. There is one exception to the basic style of hitting and that being the "Charlie Lau Theory." John Olerud and George Brett are proteges of this theory. Basically, its the same as the normal swing with one exception. When following through the top hand comes away from the bat quicker than normal. To many this is appears to be a normal swing. It is however, more than just taking your hand off the bat sooner. Your whole approach to hitting changes. Many hitters cannot make the adjustments.

Selecting a stance that is right for you, is the one that feels most comfortable and natural. By making adjustments by standing straight up or crouching should be coordinated with the swing sequence.

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