603 HITTING DRILLS bluebasebar.gif (4146 bytes)

In addition to the drills listed in section 505 and 506, the following drills are suggestions that individuals can work on.
The more that you practice your swing, the more you will improve. With these drills you can take hundreds of practice swings in a short time.

Swing Simulation
This drill is very easy to practice in a small area. Just take practice swings in front of a mirror, doing this for about 5 minutes each day will help improve bat control.

Elastic Cord and Ball Drill
You need a ball attached to an elastic cord hanging from a ceiling with some type of netting in front of you to hit into. The ball will come back to you so that you can repeatedly practice your swing. You can raise or lower the ball so that you can hit at different heights and locations.
Note: For safety it is best to use a tennis ball or rubber ball and a net. Make sure that the ball is well secured onto the elastic cord.

Soft Toss Machine
There a several different types of pitching machines available at a reasonable price. These machines soft toss plastic balls so that you can hit them into a net.

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