703 THE UNDEVELOPED CHILDbluebasebar.gif (4146 bytes)

There are statistics released by the United States President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports that suggest one out of six children are underdeveloped. Those stats are not available in Canada. However, we might be able to use those statistics in relation to baseball players in Canada.
Undeveloped children, or those who fall below the minimum acceptable standards for strength and endurance have a more serious problem than just being out of shape. It is extremely important to identify these kids and ensure that they receive proper help.

If you feel that an athlete is underdeveloped, insure that you get advice from a family doctor before they begin any strenuous exercise regimen,

Some "Danger Signals" for Detecting the Underdeveloped Child
1. Muscle Twitching.
2. Persistent shakiness after exercise.
3. Pale, clammy skin or cold sweating during or after exercise.
4. Blueness of the lips that is not due to cold or dampness.
5. Breathlessness that persists long after exercise.
6. Headaches.
7. Dizziness.
8. Fainting.
9. Pain not associated with injury.
10. Broken sleep.
11. Digestive upset.
12. Disorientation or personality changes.

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