705 STRETCHES bluebasebar.gif (4146 bytes)

Ankle Rotations.
Cross one leg over the other knee. Roll the ankle in your hands in all directions. This helps prevent strains. Do both ankles, holding for about 10 seconds in all different directions.

Hamstring Stretch
One leg is crossed under the other at the knee. Reach with both hands slowly to the ankle and hold for about 10 seconds. If possible pull gently on the toe.

Lower Back Or Standing Hamstring Stretch
One foot is at a 45 degree angle. Slide both hands down slowly just above the ankle grasping the back of the calf. The other leg is slightly bent. Pull towards your upper body. Hold for about 10 seconds. Do both legs. This stretch is also good for the Achilles tendon.

Calf And Achilles Stretch
Place hands firmly against a wall. Place one leg behind you about 3 feet. Slowly shift your weight toward the back leg with both heels flat on the ground. Hold for about 10 seconds.

Lift one foot upward behind you and grasp it with your corresponding arm, example left foot, left hand.
Slowly bring the foot towards the body while balancing on the other leg. Hold for 10 seconds and switch legs.

Place feet with soles touching each other while sitting down. Place your elbows inside your knees pushing down on them slowly. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 3 times, pushing down further each time.

Back Twist
Sit with one leg straight out in front of you and the other foot outside the knee bent. Use the elbow of the opposite arm for leverage. Rotate your trunk while twisting away from the bent knee. Hold for 10 seconds and then do this the opposite way. This exercise also stretches the abdominal muscles.

Reach Back
Place your hands on the ground behind you while lying down. Sliding forward stretching the shoulders and chest muscles. Do it slowly repeating the exercise twice or more. This stretch is great for the deltoid and pectoral muscles.

Shoulder Stretch
Slowly lift up one elbow above your head. Grasp the elbow with the other hand and push the arm back. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat with the other arm.

Upper Back
Stand with feet together and legs slightly bent. Slowly with your left hand grasp your right foot and slowly straighten your legs. Keep a grasp of the foot the entire time. Hold for 10 seconds and then switch arms.

Arm Across The Body
Lift your left arm in front of you and across the right shoulder. Slowly pull the left arm across your body with the right arm. Hold for 10 seconds and switch arms.

Grasp something sturdy overhead with both hands and hang from this. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds.

Throwing Stretch
Place your throwing arm at a normal throwing angle(elbow at shoulder height or higher). Place a baseball bat under your arm, holding the bat with both hands at either end. Move the bat up slowly stretching your arm. Hold at a maximum height for 10 seconds and repeat 3 times.

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